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Background of South Valley
Valle de Atrisco, or the South Valley, is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Bernalillo County. Its name originates from the historic Atrisco Land Grant. The word “Atrisco” is rooted from the Nahuatl word, “Atlixco”, which translates to “upon the waters.”
Over the last several decades, Valle de Atrisco has seen numerous cultural and economic changes. More than 40,000 people call the South Valley home and 80% of these residents are Hispanic/Latino. The median household income is $36,821 and an estimated 25% of people in the South Valley live in poverty. Although the South Valley is often referred to as a ‘poor’ community, it is rich in culture, identity, traditions, and resources. From aerial maps, it is easy to recognize that the area is rich in land and water.